The World has gone pear shaped, more so lately than anytime, hence I'm going to blog about it. Over the past few years I've got increasingly fed up with plain stupid people and organisations causing untold misery and havoc with fundamentally flawed ideas.
To exorcise the rantings from my aching soul I've decided to off load these petty annoyances into a blog. My hope is that others will feel free to chip in and help me document the stupidity we humans face as we try and survive against the tidal wave of maddening legislation and rules that are followed to the Nth degree by mindless jobsworths who make our lives a misery.
My aim is to write a blog that resonates with fed up and disenfranchised members of the public who are constantly facing unreliable service from civil servants and the service industry. I want to make you laugh at the madness of it all, and also get motivated to get up from your seat and try and fix the problems too!
Watch this space!
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